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Hello, I'm Adrien, and I am the sole contributor to this little blog. Over the past decade, I have developed a keen interest for exploring every aspects of the technology-specific issues plaguing our world. ​I started The Pourquoi Pas in 2017 as a Tech/Strategy Newsletter, and have since turned it into a full-time part-time passion project.
As technology affects each and everyone one of us, I believe that making the discourse surrounding it accessible to all is paramount. Including as many stakeholders as possible to the discussion is key to making technology work for everyone. Hence The Pourquoi Pas' tagline : Tech made Easy.
To this effect, you will find within this site a plethora of content :
Artificial intelligence examples, definitions and insights
Business model innovation examples, tips and tools
Entrepreneurship advice and insights gleaned through years of advising startups
Future technology outlook and further insights into what they mean for our societies
Though I am not a journalist, I do have some credentials to my name, which shape the lens through which I analyse the issues explored :
I am a strategy consultant for a large technology consulting company, with over 10 years of experience in Transformation (note, however, that all views expressed are my own).
I was given "AI Writer of the Year" by Hackernoon in 2019, and "Technology Contributor of the Year" in 2020 (this is meaningless, but I like to bring it up to tease my engineer friends).
I was a finalist of The Economist's "Essay competition for young people".
I am currently based in Paris, France. If you'd like to contribute to The Pourquoi Pas, need an article written up, or want to submit a tip or an idea, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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