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What's The Pourquoi Pas about ?

The Pourquoi Pas is, above all, a technology blog. Because the discussion around the future of technology is everyone's business, we try to make difficult topics as approachable as possible.

Tech, made easy.

As you explore this site's insights, you will hopefully gain a better understanding of a wide range of issues plaguing our digital world.

We talk a lot about Artificial Intelligence : AI use cases, AI technologies, AI future... we go through it all.

As technology often means disruption and transformation, we also explore business model innovations as a tool for corporate strategy. And because business transformation is key to successful entrepreneurship, this too, we analyse. A special attention is paid to disruptive business models.

Retail trends and store technology are also discussed in depth, as it is an industry which is in technological turmoil while also being the largest employer in the world. Retail automation, above all, will change the industry.

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